Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vegie Beds are in place and full of soil

Yesterday I finished building my vegie garden beds and I dragged them into spot - then I realised that the soil wasn't level and I just knew that that would really P me off so then I set about trying to level them out which first involved trying to find my meter long spirit level! After a 20 minute hunt I couldn't find it so I called my brother - he said he'd bring one around in 30 minutes. In typical fashion I then found it! With my spirit level in hand I then went about measuring where to put them and the spaces for pathways etc and then I dug up the soil to level the ground.

Today I moved 3/4 m3 of soil, 90 minutes later and I finally had the beds full of soil!! Ignore all the weeds, they are slowly keeling over.

I will also wait a few days before planting anything to let the soil settle a bit - so possibly this weekend! ::smile::

In place and ready for the soil

Trailer load of soil - a mix of 50% Premium Soil, 25% Cow Manure, 25% Certified Organic Compost

All full! The bed's are a great heigh in that I could just dump the soil from the wheel barrow

Distance between the fence and the beds

Distance between the beds

Distance between the house and the beds - a good sized pathway

Friday, July 16, 2010

Front Yard - 95% done!

I am 95% done on my front yard now! (well the main part of it anyway!) All that's left to do now is the pathway to the utilities and that can wait a while longer...

Today I spent about 3 hrs planting 7 new plants and spreading out 1m3 of mulch - my arms and shoulders already hurt, I hate to imagine how much pain I'm going to be in tomorrow! I also originally only got 0.5m3 of mulch and had to go back for another load, good thing it's only around the corner!

Also, another helpful tip - if you aren't used to doing this kind of thing - shovelling stuff out of a trailer is a LOT easier than off the ground, so hire a trailer and help your back!!

Ok onto the photo's

My double branched weeping silver birch tree and the garden before mulching

3 new plants - Banksia Stumpy Gold


My other 3 new plants Isopogon 'Candy Cones'

Closeup - these flowers are a mauve pink which should be very pretty

After the mulch:

Monday, July 12, 2010

A front yard update

I finally have a pictorial update on my front yard!! Today I pretty much weeded the entire garden and then turned the soil over - It was a LOT of hard work!!

I've also got to say that my soil is AWESOME and I owe most of it to Fu from H1!! Although I did the hard work, he gave me the knowledge to make it what it is - so rich and easy to dig over!! There isn't any clay at all in sight anymore and we have had that much rain that I haven't had to water my plants since planting them at Easter and when you step on the soil you sink but it's not a muddy clay mess, it's GREAT!

Most of the weeds I threw onto my front nature strip as I need to start doing something there and I figure the nutrients from the weeds would help.

I will also be mulching it all in the next week or two

Before weeding:

After weeding: