Monday, July 12, 2010

A front yard update

I finally have a pictorial update on my front yard!! Today I pretty much weeded the entire garden and then turned the soil over - It was a LOT of hard work!!

I've also got to say that my soil is AWESOME and I owe most of it to Fu from H1!! Although I did the hard work, he gave me the knowledge to make it what it is - so rich and easy to dig over!! There isn't any clay at all in sight anymore and we have had that much rain that I haven't had to water my plants since planting them at Easter and when you step on the soil you sink but it's not a muddy clay mess, it's GREAT!

Most of the weeds I threw onto my front nature strip as I need to start doing something there and I figure the nutrients from the weeds would help.

I will also be mulching it all in the next week or two

Before weeding:

After weeding:

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