Saturday, October 31, 2009

I love my house

I really do, I love my house! I love the location, it's soooo peaceful here and you can hear all the animals - this morning I have been sitting in my chair, with the sun and breeze coming in through the window listening to the magpies, ravens and the cows while watching the rabbits run around! I'm going to miss the rabbits when I get a fence, although I'm pretty sure I wont miss them if they start eating my plants when I get around to starting the garden.

Today I am thinking about heading to a nursery to start investigating plants for my garden. Ideally the best time to do the garden is Autumn so I may end up waiting until then, but I can at least start planning it now and getting it organised.

Seeing as I don't have a vegie patch yet, I'm thinking about using my vegie boxes from my old place for some tomatoes again this year. I need to buy some more stakes and might also need some chicken wire or something to wrap around them to stop the rabbits, but it will be nice to have some vegies growing again.


  1. wait till Autumn! no way, go for spring planting!!

  2. Hi Lisa. It must feel good to be able to sit there and plan YOUR garden!!!

    Someone is building a Regent 21 down the road from us. We went through it the other day. It's a great layout but feels a little weird after being so use to our house. They have gone for the Coolum facade. There is also another Regent 23 two doors down with the Threadbo facade. They are on a 12.5m block and have the alfresco roof - it feels a little cramped...

    Happy gardening
    Michael & Marty!

  3. Annie by the time I get m y fence and get the soil done it will be closer to Christmas, so wont be planting for a while.

    Michael and Marty it is nice planning it! I want to make sure that I get some good plants though, so lots of research need!
    I think someone told me once that the Regent is their most popular house!
