Monday, March 2, 2009

One a week

I just put my annual leave in for my building appointments this month - my boss is going to wonder what's going on! Monday 9th is Labour day here in Vic, so a day off then I've put leave in for Wednesday 11th, then the following Friday 20th and then the following Wednesday 25th! I'm not going to have a full week of work after this week until April!

I think I have also finally decided that I am going to get a phone point and power point put into my pantry for my ADSL modem and wifi router. I'm still not sure if I will be able to get ADSL (exchange issues) but one day I will be able to.


  1. Exchange issues? what are the issues? I run my web design business from home so will need Internet from day 1. Have you looked into this?


  2. Hi Michael,

    Out in Mernda, some area's are full for DSL so it would mean connecting through wifi - but you are in Point Cook so I don't know what the deal is there :)

  3. Hi Lisa. Both my partner and I are web geeks so will be sure to setup a blog and share the address. We're just waiting to see what the Mortgage Broker has to say on Thursday. We have a meeting with PD on Monday to get the ball rolling. Then we'll tell everyone!

    We've got a long list of things we want to add (about 25K worth) and a long list of questions. We're detail people so PD will have their work cutout for them!!!!!
