Sunday, August 2, 2009

Starting to panic

I'm starting to go into a bit of a mild panic about everything! Ignore the whole fact I need to pack as I really don't think it will take me that long to do, but I still need to organise all of the following:

  • Fencing quote and then work out when to get it done (before or after I move in?)
  • Driveway quotes and what kind of driveway do I want? Due to all the mud I'm leaning towards black/charcoal or a brown coloured one maybe
  • Alfresco area - paved or concreted? Do I spend the extra money and get it paved or not?
  • Fly screens and security doors need to be ordered
  • I need to look at couches and get an idea of price and how long till they are delivered etc
  • I need to buy redi shades for all my windows as blinds will be a while off
  • Speak to removalists

Of course a lot of this stuff depends on what kind of bonus I get from work this year and I may not know that for another 2-3 weeks! ARGH!


  1. I will never be able to afford window furnishings. I'm sure of it. I will have redi-shades for all eternity! hahaha
    At least I can get away with Lilydale Toppings for a little while for the driveway.

  2. Redi-shades - too easy! 1 trip to Bunnings.

  3. I'd suggest starting with the most important things first. i know they're all important though but leave what can be done until you move in. I'm several months behind you but still facing the same issues. You'll be fine :)
    We chose to get the alfresco slab done when the house slab gets done as I want to start using this area immediately. I don't wanna be sitting in a chair in the mud when we move in. For me this was a priority.
    Hang in there Lisa :)

  4. @Jo I'm starting to think window furnishings will be a long time coming too!

    Redi-shades will be purchased, just need to work out how many I need first

    @oze I have my list of priorities and I've just done some sums and worked out what I can and can't do - time to start calling around to make bookings to get quotes done!
