Monday, September 7, 2009

Rental notice given

That's right, I have submitted my 4 weeks rental notice to the estate agents! ARGH!! Wow! A big move considering but my builder has been really good and accurate with dates so far so it should be OK!

Today I've also booked the removalist, put in my annual leave and purchased the redi shades for the rest of my windows!

Oh hang on, I don't think I put it in here, on the weekend I had a suggestion put to me that I buy some nice wooden venetians for my 3 front windows. This way the front of the house will look finished and I will be able to block more light out of my bedroom so good all around and for less than $140 for the 3 (they were 40% off) I agreed, it was a good idea!


  1. only just a little bit jealous......... not!

    great job its finally about to arrive, hope everything pans out on time, im sure it will

  2. How exciting!! Yay! I hope it all comes together for you. 4 weeks! I'm so excited for you.

  3. Thanks Bill and Netadelle! After seeing the progress this week I'm feeling confident that it will all be ok :)
